


帖子: 16107
注册时间: 2022年 7月 22日 15:16
来自: 宇宙
昵称(选填): 没有马甲

#81 Re: 经常开窗换气还是很重要的

帖子 meiyoumajia »


Zone 1 counties have a predicted average indoor radon screening level greater than 4 pCi/L (pico curies per liter) (red zones) Highest Potential

Zone 2 counties have a predicted average indoor radon screening level between 2 and 4 pCi/L (orange zones) Moderate Potential

Zone 3 counties have a predicted average indoor radon screening level less than 2 pCi/L (yellow zones)

帖子: 9441
注册时间: 2022年 7月 25日 01:09

#82 Re: 经常开窗换气还是很重要的

帖子 Wawa123 »

帖子: 16107
注册时间: 2022年 7月 22日 15:16
来自: 宇宙
昵称(选填): 没有马甲

#83 Re: 经常开窗换气还是很重要的

帖子 meiyoumajia »


The Environmental Protection Agency recommends 148 Bq/m3 as the action level.

Since radon is an unstable atom when it undergoes radioactive decay, it forms a number of short-lived radioactive decay products (called radon progeny), which include polonium (218Po), lead (214Pb), bismuth (214Bi), and polonium (214Po). Alpha, beta, or sometimes gamma radiation is emitted out under each radioactive transformation.

http://nucleardata.nuclear.lu.se/toi/nu ... iZA=830214
Gammas from 214Bi (19.9 m 4)

https://www.researchgate.net/figure/The ... 1_51026112

帖子: 1451
注册时间: 2022年 9月 11日 03:42
昵称(选填): 小王,大王他嗲

#84 Re: 经常开窗换气还是很重要的

帖子 littlek »


meiyoumajia 写了: 2024年 3月 19日 18:57 看到某位自称“权威”的人都搞不懂,我还是在这个主题里把对大多数人本不需要说的内容补齐吧

The Environmental Protection Agency recommends 148 Bq/m3 as the action level.

Since radon is an unstable atom when it undergoes radioactive decay, it forms a number of short-lived radioactive decay products (called radon progeny), which include polonium (218Po), lead (214Pb), bismuth (214Bi), and polonium (214Po). Alpha, beta, or sometimes gamma radiation is emitted out under each radioactive transformation.

http://nucleardata.nuclear.lu.se/toi/nu ... iZA=830214
Gammas from 214Bi (19.9 m 4)

https://www.researchgate.net/figure/The ... 1_51026112

帖子: 16107
注册时间: 2022年 7月 22日 15:16
来自: 宇宙
昵称(选填): 没有马甲

#85 Re: 经常开窗换气还是很重要的

帖子 meiyoumajia »

littlek 写了: 2024年 3月 19日 19:04 你无论智商还是受教育程度,理解能力都不行,劝你还是不要参与这个课题的讨论了



https://hps.org/publicinformation/ate/q ... 0(37.6%25).

Q I have a question regarding the measurement of 226Ra by gamma spectroscopy. I've seen that some labs use the 214Bi line, while some use the 214Pb line to measure 226Ra in equilibrium. Are there significant advantages to the use of either line?

As you know, both 214Bi and 214Pb emit measurable gamma rays, and both can be useful in the indirect determination of 226Ra, a precursor in the decay chain that produces the lead and bismuth progeny. The 214Pb emits lower-energy photons than does the 214Bi, the three most abundant gamma rays from the lead being at 242 keV (7.43%), 295 keV (19.3%), and 352 keV (37.6%). The dominant gamma rays from 214Bi are more in number and higher in energy than the lead gamma rays; the range of useful energies is from about 600 keV to about 2.5 MeV. The bismuth gamma ray of highest yield is at 609 keV (46.1%); there is a gamma ray at 1.12 MeV (15.1%) and one at 1.765 MeV (15.4%). The others have individual yields no higher than about 5%.
帖子: 16107
注册时间: 2022年 7月 22日 15:16
来自: 宇宙
昵称(选填): 没有马甲

#86 Re: 经常开窗换气还是很重要的

帖子 meiyoumajia »



https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/csem/radon/ra ... %20atom%20(thorium%2D234,into%20a%20stable%20lead%20atom.&text=Gamma%20radiation.
Radon Decay
Each parent atom (thorium-234 or uranium-238) decays several times to become a radium atom (Ra-224 or Ra-226), then radon (Rn-220 or Rn-222), and several more times through a series, creating radioactive substances known as radon daughters or progeny. The atom finally decays into a stable lead atom.

As radon progeny undergo radioactive decay, radiation is released in forms that include

High-energy alpha particles,
Beta particles, and
Gamma radiation.
帖子: 1451
注册时间: 2022年 9月 11日 03:42
昵称(选填): 小王,大王他嗲

#87 Re: 经常开窗换气还是很重要的

帖子 littlek »

他妈的物理学要改写了,Pd 214是100% branch ratio beta decay, 人说的gamma不是Pd 214 decay产生的,是电子产生的次级了,而且人也说了,需要gamma spectroscopy. 看看你怎么说的?你说radon是gamma decay

meiyoumajia 写了: 2024年 3月 19日 19:07 你真是极其不要脸。



https://hps.org/publicinformation/ate/q ... 0(37.6%25).

Q I have a question regarding the measurement of 226Ra by gamma spectroscopy. I've seen that some labs use the 214Bi line, while some use the 214Pb line to measure 226Ra in equilibrium. Are there significant advantages to the use of either line?

As you know, both 214Bi and 214Pb emit measurable gamma rays, and both can be useful in the indirect determination of 226Ra, a precursor in the decay chain that produces the lead and bismuth progeny. The 214Pb emits lower-energy photons than does the 214Bi, the three most abundant gamma rays from the lead being at 242 keV (7.43%), 295 keV (19.3%), and 352 keV (37.6%). The dominant gamma rays from 214Bi are more in number and higher in energy than the lead gamma rays; the range of useful energies is from about 600 keV to about 2.5 MeV. The bismuth gamma ray of highest yield is at 609 keV (46.1%); there is a gamma ray at 1.12 MeV (15.1%) and one at 1.765 MeV (15.4%). The others have individual yields no higher than about 5%.
帖子: 1451
注册时间: 2022年 9月 11日 03:42
昵称(选填): 小王,大王他嗲

#88 Re: 经常开窗换气还是很重要的

帖子 littlek »

你不懂就不懂,不要跟专家硬拗。人说的是可以通过测量gamma spectrum来确定radon的含量,这个测量的前提是你在lab环境下,你的parent只有radon,但并不是说radon decay成gamma.而且在open环境下也不能单纯用测gamma spectrum来确定radon的含量.正因为如此radon家用探测器才如此的贵,因为人需要云母window.

专家脑子里的是running knowledge,你的是google knowledge, 没经过专业训练就别逼逼逼了

meiyoumajia 写了: 2024年 3月 19日 19:11 这东西是常识。只要点一下就行了。在多个官方、权威机构网站和期刊都可以查到。


https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/csem/radon/ra ... %20atom%20(thorium%2D234,into%20a%20stable%20lead%20atom.&text=Gamma%20radiation.
Radon Decay
Each parent atom (thorium-234 or uranium-238) decays several times to become a radium atom (Ra-224 or Ra-226), then radon (Rn-220 or Rn-222), and several more times through a series, creating radioactive substances known as radon daughters or progeny. The atom finally decays into a stable lead atom.

As radon progeny undergo radioactive decay, radiation is released in forms that include

High-energy alpha particles,
Beta particles, and
Gamma radiation.
帖子: 16107
注册时间: 2022年 7月 22日 15:16
来自: 宇宙
昵称(选填): 没有马甲

#89 Re: 经常开窗换气还是很重要的

帖子 meiyoumajia »

littlek 写了: 2024年 3月 19日 19:28 你不懂就不懂,不要跟专家硬拗。人说的是可以通过测量gamma spectrum来确定radon的含量,这个测量的前提是你在lab环境下,你的parent只有radon,但并不是说radon decay成gamma.而且在open环境下也不能单纯用测gamma spectrum来确定radon的含量.正因为如此radon家用探测器才如此的贵,因为人需要云母window.

专家脑子里的是running knowledge,你的是google knowledge, 没经过专业训练就别逼逼逼了



帖子 由 meiyoumajia » 3月 16, 2024, 11:23 am


帖子: 1451
注册时间: 2022年 9月 11日 03:42
昵称(选填): 小王,大王他嗲

#90 Re: 经常开窗换气还是很重要的

帖子 littlek »

radon的health harzrd是吸入后的alpha decay, 你所谓的“gamma辐射“对人体的影响对比与0.03uSv/h的gamma background radiation可以忽略不计。

而且我都问你了,光子的weighting factor是多少?alpha的weighting factor是多少,你听明白了么? 估计你都没听说过。你贴的文章里,人用gamma spectrum确定lab环境下radon的丰度,不是用gamma来确定你家radon的剂量。

meiyoumajia 写了: 2024年 3月 19日 19:33 你真是个蠢货



帖子 由 meiyoumajia » 3月 16, 2024, 11:23 am


帖子: 16107
注册时间: 2022年 7月 22日 15:16
来自: 宇宙
昵称(选填): 没有马甲

#91 Re: 经常开窗换气还是很重要的

帖子 meiyoumajia »

do you know that in some homes in usa, radon level is higher than 500?

Yes, it is possible for radon levels in some homes in the USA to be higher than 500 picocuries per liter (pCi/L). Radon levels can vary greatly depending on factors such as the geology of the area, the construction of the home, and ventilation rates. In areas with high levels of natural uranium in the soil, such as certain parts of the Midwest and Northeast, it is not uncommon to find homes with radon levels exceeding 500 pCi/L.

is gamma radiation significant from radon in those homes?
Yes, gamma radiation can be significant in homes with high radon levels. Radon is a radioactive gas that decays into various radioactive particles, including alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. While alpha and beta particles are not able to penetrate deeply into the body, gamma radiation can penetrate more deeply and can contribute to the overall radiation dose received by individuals in the home.

The gamma radiation emitted by radon decay products can contribute to the overall radiation exposure in a home, especially in areas with high radon levels. It is important to mitigate radon levels not only to reduce the risk of lung cancer associated with radon gas but also to reduce overall radiation exposure from gamma radiation.

at the same radon level, say 250, gamma radiation is more serious in a larger room, right?
Yes, in a larger room with the same radon level, the gamma radiation exposure can be more significant. This is because gamma radiation can travel longer distances and penetrate more deeply into materials than alpha or beta radiation. In a larger room, there is more space for the gamma radiation to travel before being absorbed or attenuated, which can result in higher exposure levels compared to a smaller room with the same radon concentration.

that's why alpha particles and gamma radiations from radon are measured in different units, right?
Yes, that's correct. Alpha particles and gamma radiation from radon are measured in different units because they have different properties and effects on health.

Alpha particles are relatively large and heavy, and they can only travel a short distance (a few centimeters) in air and can be stopped by a sheet of paper or human skin. They are most harmful when inhaled or ingested, as they can damage cells in the respiratory tract and lungs. Alpha radiation is typically measured in units such as the microgray (µGy) or microsievert (µSv).

Gamma radiation, on the other hand, is highly penetrating and can travel long distances through air and materials. It requires more substantial shielding, such as lead or concrete, to block its effects. Gamma radiation is typically measured in units such as the milligray (mGy) or millisievert (mSv).

Both types of radiation can contribute to the overall radiation dose received by individuals exposed to radon, but they are measured and assessed differently due to their different properties and effects.

epa mentioned that "(radon) Levels greater than 2,000
pCi/L of air have been measured in some homes." where are they most likely located?
Homes with radon levels greater than 2,000 pCi/L of air can be found in various locations, but they are more likely to be found in areas with certain geological characteristics. These areas include regions with high levels of natural uranium in the soil, such as parts of the Midwest, Northeast, and Rocky Mountain regions of the United States. Homes built on soil types that allow for easy entry of radon gas, such as gravel or sandy soil, can also be more prone to high radon levels. Additionally, homes with poor ventilation or homes that are tightly sealed can trap radon gas indoors, leading to higher concentrations.

are workers drilling oils more likely exposed to radon or even gamma radiation?
Workers drilling for oil are more likely to be exposed to radon rather than gamma radiation. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is often found in soil and rock formations, including those associated with oil drilling. As drilling occurs and rocks are disturbed, radon gas can be released and potentially accumulate in underground areas, including oil wells and drilling sites.

On the other hand, gamma radiation exposure in oil drilling operations is less common. While gamma radiation can be present in some geological formations and materials associated with oil drilling, the levels are typically lower compared to radon. Protective measures, such as monitoring and shielding, are often in place to minimize gamma radiation exposure in oil drilling operations.

miners are more likely exposed to both radon and radiation, in most cases?
Yes, miners are more likely to be exposed to both radon and radiation, especially in certain types of mining operations. Radon is a significant concern in underground mining because it is released from rocks and soil and can accumulate in underground mines. Miners can be exposed to high levels of radon, particularly in uranium mines, as well as in mines for other metals such as gold, silver, and lead, where radon can also be present.

In addition to radon, miners may also be exposed to gamma radiation and other types of radiation depending on the materials being mined. For example, certain minerals and ores, such as uranium ores, can emit gamma radiation. Miners in these operations need to be monitored for radiation exposure, and safety measures such as ventilation and protective shielding are used to minimize exposure levels.

people extracting natural gas are more likely exposed to both?
People involved in the extraction of natural gas can be exposed to both radon and gamma radiation, but the extent of exposure depends on several factors, including the specific type of natural gas extraction and the geological characteristics of the area.

Radon: Radon can be present in natural gas deposits, especially in areas with high levels of natural uranium in the soil. When natural gas is extracted, radon gas can be released and may accumulate in confined spaces, such as underground storage tanks or poorly ventilated areas. Workers involved in drilling, extraction, and processing of natural gas may be exposed to radon, although the levels can vary.

Gamma Radiation: Gamma radiation can also be present in natural gas deposits, particularly in association with certain minerals or geological formations. Workers involved in drilling and extraction operations may be exposed to gamma radiation, especially in situations where radioactive materials are brought to the surface along with natural gas.

Safety measures, monitoring programs, and regulations are in place to help minimize exposure to radon and gamma radiation for workers in the natural gas industry. These measures include proper ventilation, monitoring of radon and radiation levels, and the use of protective equipment when necessary.
帖子: 16107
注册时间: 2022年 7月 22日 15:16
来自: 宇宙
昵称(选填): 没有马甲

#92 Re: 经常开窗换气还是很重要的

帖子 meiyoumajia »

littlek 写了: 2024年 3月 19日 19:44 radon的health harzrd是吸入后的alpha decay, 你所谓的“gamma辐射“对人体的影响对比与0.03uSv/h的gamma background radiation可以忽略不计。

而且我都问你了,光子的weighting factor是多少?alpha的weighting factor是多少,你听明白了么? 估计你都没听说过。你贴的文章里,人用gamma spectrum确定lab环境下radon的丰度,不是用gamma来确定你家radon的剂量。


你莫名其妙地搬出了光子,而且用莫名其妙不实际的10M光子和10M alpha粒子。这与上面的具体讨论有什么关系?????况且你还用1Bq去描述光子。
帖子: 16107
注册时间: 2022年 7月 22日 15:16
来自: 宇宙
昵称(选填): 没有马甲

#93 Re: 经常开窗换气还是很重要的

帖子 meiyoumajia »

are there places in usa where radon-rich underground water is a major source of drinking water? typically since when did they start to make efforts to reduce radon before they were later consumed?
Yes, there are places in the USA where radon-rich underground water is a major source of drinking water. Radon can enter groundwater through the natural decay of uranium and radium in soil and rocks. Areas with high levels of uranium or radium in the geological formations are more likely to have radon in their groundwater.

Efforts to reduce radon in drinking water began in the United States in the 1980s. The 1986 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act required the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for radionuclides in drinking water, including radon. The MCL for radon in drinking water is 300 picocuries per liter (pCi/L). Water systems that exceed this level are required to treat their water to reduce radon levels before it is consumed.

Treatment methods for reducing radon in water include aeration and granular activated carbon (GAC) filtration. These methods can effectively reduce radon levels in drinking water to below the MCL. It's important to note that while radon in drinking water can contribute to overall radon exposure, the primary source of radon exposure for most people is from the air in their homes.
帖子: 16107
注册时间: 2022年 7月 22日 15:16
来自: 宇宙
昵称(选填): 没有马甲

#94 Re: 经常开窗换气还是很重要的

帖子 meiyoumajia »

how much does each of the different kinds of radiations contribute to the development of cancer from long-term heavy radon exposure?
Each type of radiation emitted from radon and its decay products (alpha, beta, and gamma radiation) can contribute to the development of cancer, particularly lung cancer, in individuals exposed to high levels of radon over the long term. However, the extent of their contribution can vary.

Alpha Radiation: Alpha particles are the most significant contributors to the development of cancer from radon exposure. When inhaled, alpha-emitting radon decay products can deposit their energy directly into the cells lining the respiratory tract, increasing the risk of lung cancer. Alpha particles are highly ionizing but have a short range in tissue, so they are most damaging to cells in the immediate vicinity of the decay.

Beta Radiation: Beta particles are less significant contributors to cancer from radon exposure compared to alpha particles. Beta-emitting radon decay products can also deposit their energy in the respiratory tract tissues, contributing to the risk of lung cancer. Beta particles have a longer range in tissue compared to alpha particles, so they can penetrate deeper into the lungs.

Gamma Radiation: Gamma radiation can contribute to the overall radiation dose received by the lungs and other tissues from radon exposure. Gamma rays are highly penetrating and can travel deeper into tissues than alpha and beta particles. While gamma radiation is less likely to cause direct damage to cells in the respiratory tract, it can contribute to the overall risk of cancer from radon exposure by increasing the total radiation dose to the lungs and other tissues.

Overall, alpha radiation is considered the most significant contributor to the development of cancer from radon exposure, particularly lung cancer. However, beta and gamma radiation also play a role, especially in increasing the overall radiation dose to tissues and organs exposed to radon decay products.
帖子: 16107
注册时间: 2022年 7月 22日 15:16
来自: 宇宙
昵称(选填): 没有马甲

#95 Re: 经常开窗换气还是很重要的

帖子 meiyoumajia »

in many , if not most, of our well ventilated and bright homes, heavy metals, lead, radon and heavy metals should be tested. what else should be tested?

In addition to testing for heavy metals, lead, and radon, there are several other factors that are commonly tested for in homes to ensure a safe and healthy living environment, even in well-ventilated and bright homes. Some of these include:

Mold and Moisture: Testing for mold and moisture is important, as mold can lead to respiratory issues and other health problems. High levels of moisture in a home can also indicate potential structural issues or plumbing leaks.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): VOCs are chemicals that can be emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids, such as paints, cleaning products, and building materials. Testing for VOCs can help identify potential sources of indoor air pollution.

Carbon Monoxide (CO): Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas that can be produced by gas appliances, fireplaces, and vehicles. Testing for carbon monoxide is important to ensure that levels are not elevated, as exposure can be harmful.

Radon in Water: In addition to testing for radon in the air, testing for radon in water is also recommended in areas where radon in groundwater is a concern. Radon can be released into the air when water is used for activities such as showering or doing laundry.

Pesticides and Herbicides: Testing for pesticides and herbicides can help identify potential sources of exposure, especially in homes with a history of pesticide use.

Asbestos: Asbestos testing is important, especially in older homes where asbestos-containing materials may have been used in construction. Exposure to asbestos fibers can lead to serious health issues, including lung cancer and mesothelioma.

Water Quality: Testing the quality of drinking water is important to ensure that it is safe for consumption. This can include testing for bacteria, heavy metals, nitrates, and other contaminants.

Indoor Air Quality: Testing for overall indoor air quality can help identify any potential issues, such as high levels of dust, allergens, or other pollutants.

Overall, testing for these contaminants and factors can help ensure a safe and healthy indoor environment for you and your family, even in well-ventilated and bright homes.
帖子: 16107
注册时间: 2022年 7月 22日 15:16
来自: 宇宙
昵称(选填): 没有马甲

#97 Re: 经常开窗换气还是很重要的

帖子 meiyoumajia »

how many ions in air can 1 mev gamma photon generate?

The number of ions generated in air by a 1 MeV gamma photon can be estimated using the average energy required to produce an ion pair in air, which is about 33.97 electron volts (eV).

Since 1 electron volt is the energy required to move one electron through a potential difference of one volt, we can calculate the number of ion pairs produced by a 1 MeV gamma photon as follows:

Number of ion pairs


Number of ion pairs=





Therefore, a 1 MeV gamma photon can generate approximately 29,450 ion pairs in air.

how many ions can 1 mev gamma photon generate through an adult human body?
The number of ions that a 1 MeV gamma photon can generate as it passes through an adult human body depends on several factors, including the composition and density of the tissues it traverses.

For a rough estimate, we can use the average energy required to produce an ion pair in tissue, which is about 34 eV. This value is similar to the energy required in air because human tissue is mostly composed of water, which has a similar ionization energy to air.

Using this value, we can calculate the number of ion pairs produced by a 1 MeV gamma photon passing through the body:

Number of ion pairs


Number of ion pairs=





Therefore, a 1 MeV gamma photon can generate approximately 29,412 ion pairs as it passes through an adult human body.
帖子: 16107
注册时间: 2022年 7月 22日 15:16
来自: 宇宙
昵称(选填): 没有马甲

#98 Re: 经常开窗换气还是很重要的

帖子 meiyoumajia »

how many ions can 5 mev alpha particle generate through an adult human body?
The number of ions that a 5 MeV alpha particle can generate as it passes through an adult human body depends on several factors, including the composition and density of the tissues it traverses.

For a rough estimate, we can use the average energy required to produce an ion pair in tissue, which is about 34 eV. This value is similar to the energy required in air because human tissue is mostly composed of water, which has a similar ionization energy to air.

Using this value, we can calculate the number of ion pairs produced by a 5 MeV alpha particle passing through the body:

Number of ion pairs


Number of ion pairs=





Therefore, a 5 MeV alpha particle can generate approximately 147,059 ion pairs as it passes through an adult human body.
帖子: 16107
注册时间: 2022年 7月 22日 15:16
来自: 宇宙
昵称(选填): 没有马甲

#99 Re: 经常开窗换气还是很重要的

帖子 meiyoumajia »

for human, in volume, what is the percentage of lung tissues as parts of the body?
The lungs make up approximately 2-5% of the total body weight in adults. However, if we consider volume instead of weight, the lungs occupy a much larger percentage due to their low density compared to other tissues.

In terms of volume, the lungs can occupy about 10-15% of the total volume of an average adult body. This variation depends on factors such as age, sex, and body composition.
帖子: 16107
注册时间: 2022年 7月 22日 15:16
来自: 宇宙
昵称(选填): 没有马甲

#100 Re: 经常开窗换气还是很重要的

帖子 meiyoumajia »

https://health.mo.gov/living/environmen ... charts.php
Radon Risk If You Smoke
Radon Level If 1,000 people who smoked were exposed to this level over a lifetime... The risk of cancer from radon exposure compares to... WHAT TO DO: Stop smoking and...
20 pCi/L About 260 people could get lung cancer 250 times the risk of drowning Fix your home
10 pCi/L About 150 people could get lung cancer 200 times the risk of dying in a home fire Fix your home
8 pCi/L About 120 people could get lung cancer 30 times the risk of dying in a fall Fix your home
4 pCi/L About 62 people could get lung cancer 5 times the risk of dying in a car crash Fix your home
2 pCi/L About 32 people could get lung cancer 6 times the risk of dying from poison Consider fixing between 2 and 4 pCi/L
1.3 pCi/L About 20 people could get lung cancer (Average indoor radon level) (Reducing radon levels below 2 pCi/L is difficult)
0.4 pCi/L (Average outdoor radon level) (Reducing radon levels below 2 pCi/L is difficult)
Note: If you are a former smoker, your risk may be lower.
帖子: 1176
注册时间: 2023年 3月 14日 16:18
昵称(选填): Badegg

#101 Re: 经常开窗换气还是很重要的

帖子 Dahuaidanyimei »



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