(转载)稳了:Biden政权秘密会晤各Fake News


版主: minquan

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注册时间: 2022年 7月 29日 09:12
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#1 (转载)稳了:Biden政权秘密会晤各Fake News

帖子 minquan楼主 »

此帖转自 jg51 在 军事天地(Military) 的帖子:稳了:败灯政权秘密会晤各媒体大厂

https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/ ... e-00154219

“We do not comment on the specifics of our private discussions with reporters and editors,” said deputy press secretary Andrew Bates in response to my request for comment from the White House. “But as a White House that believes deeply in the role of the free press in American Democracy, we would note that a mutually honest, fact-based, respectful back-and-forth is a cornerstone of any healthy relationship between a media outlet and an administration. We have that kind of dialogue with The New York Times and many other media organizations.”


The meeting with senior adviser Anita Dunn and communications director Ben LaBolt was not unlike many held from time to time with executives from other newspapers and TV networks, an exchange of views about the outlet’s coverage, a pitch for more access and an interview. Dunn and LaBolt went through a list of complaints: the unrelenting focus on polls and age, reporters not giving the White House much time to respond to stories prior to publication. The Times brass listened and sought to explain the principles guiding its coverage. The meeting, according to three people on both sides familiar with the conversation, was not especially contentious. One sign of a slight thaw in relations came weeks later when the White House invited Kahn and his wife to attend a state dinner for the Australian prime minister in October.

But the pleas for an interview have gone nowhere. As Sulzberger often tells colleagues and as he and Kahn have stressed in private conversations with the administration, every modern president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt has done an interview with the Times. That, however, is an argument deemed uncompelling by Biden aides and one that, to some White House officials, smacks of entitlement. Plus, Biden has sat for interviews with only two print reporters in more than three years (Josh Boak of the Associated Press and Evan Osnos of The New Yorker, who earned Biden’s trust during a lengthy interview during the 2020 campaign that he turned into a book). He has, of course, been eager to engage with columnists he knows and trusts, two of whom happen to work at the Times.
上次由 minquan 在 2024年 5月 1日 03:37,总共编辑 1 次。
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