
TheMatrix 的博客
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帖子 TheMatrix楼主 »

Caravel 写了: 2月 6, 2023, 4:16 pm
关键是等效的massless 2D Dirac Fermion,理论很漂亮,看下面的文章abstract就很清楚了

。。。 Here we report an experimental study of a condensed-matter system (graphene, a single atomic layer of carbon6,7) in which electron transport is essentially governed by Dirac's (relativistic) equation. The charge carriers in graphene mimic relativistic particles with zero rest mass and have an effective ‘speed of light’ c* ≈ 10^6 m s-1. Our study reveals a variety of unusual phenomena that are characteristic of two-dimensional Dirac fermions. In particular we have observed the following: first, graphene's conductivity never falls below a minimum value corresponding to the quantum unit of conductance, even when concentrations of charge carriers tend to zero; second, the integer quantum Hall effect in graphene is anomalous in that it occurs at half-integer filling factors; and third, the cyclotron mass mc of massless carriers in graphene is described by E = mcc*2. This two-dimensional system is not only interesting in itself but also allows access to the subtle and rich physics of quantum electrodynamics in a bench-top experiment.


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