

版主: Softfist

帖子: 57293
注册时间: 7月 25, 2022, 7:10 pm


帖子 beijingren3楼主 »

Rare Rebuke Of Israel By White House Riles Republicans

https://www.zerohedge.com/political/rar ... epublicans

帖子: 57293
注册时间: 7月 25, 2022, 7:10 pm

Re: 完了,白宫对以色列的罕见谴责激怒了共和党人

帖子 beijingren3楼主 »

What happened here is very interesting, and deserves a closer look.

Biden is a puppet of the Trotskyist Jeաs who hold all the positions of power in his administration. Most Democrats also adhere to the ideology of the Trotskyist Jeաs.

On the other hand, McCarthy (and many, but not all, of the Republican leadership) back the Zionist Jeաs, of whom Netanyahu is the leader.

To back up--while virtually every single American politician on the national stage is beholden to the Jeաs, it is important to note that, politically speaking, the Jeաs are not a monolithic entity. The Jeաs who lived in the Pale of the Settlement (territory that is now spread across what is now known as Poland, Ukraine, and Russia) in the 19th century created two different revolutionary Jeաish ideologies--Zionism (aka Jeաish nationalism) and Communism (aka Jeաish internationalism). As everyone knows, the Bolshevist Communist Jeաs seized power in Russia in 1917. But after Lenin died, the Bolshevists split into two factions--the Stalinists (who were nationalists) and the Trotskyists (who were internationalists). The Trotskyists, who were almost entirely Jeաs, eventually fled to the USA after Stalin chased them out of the USSR. Those Trotskyist Jeաs eventually rebranded themselves as "neoconservatives" in the 1950s, and gradually they infiltrated themselves into American politics. These Trotskyists had a more natural home in the Democrat party, but were happy to infiltrate themselves into the Republican party as well. The labels "Republican" and "Democrat" means nothing to Jeաs, because the only label that really matters to them is "Jeա". That is to say, you are either a Jeա, or a gоy, and guess what--gоys don't matter.

But ironically, in 2023, after the Jeաs finally succeeded in seizing total control of America, we are now starting to see that the Jeաs aren't so monolithic after all, and the old division between Jeաish nationalists (Zionists) and Jeաish internationalists (Trotskyists) getting exposed. Conflict is breaking out between the Trotskyist Jeաs (whose global leader is George Soros) and the Zionist Jeաs (led by Netanyahu), in the bought-and-paid-for Jeաish puppet theater we call The United States Congress.

What a time to be alive!


拜登是托洛茨基主义分子的傀儡,他们在他的政府中掌握着所有权力职位。 大多数民主党人也坚持托洛茨基主义者的意识形态。


支持一下——虽然在国家舞台上几乎每一位美国政治家都对 Jeq 很感激,但重要的是要注意,从政治上讲,Jeq 并不是一个铁板一块的实体。 居住在 19 世纪 Pale of the Settlement(现在被称为波兰、乌克兰和俄罗斯的领土)的犹太教徒创造了两种不同的革命犹太意识形态——犹太复国主义(又名犹太民族主义)和共产主义( 又名犹太国际主义)。 众所周知,布尔什维克共产主义者于1917年在俄罗斯夺取了政权。但在列宁死后,布尔什维克分裂为两派——斯大林主义者(民族主义者)和托洛茨基主义者(国际主义者)。 几乎完全是犹太人的托洛茨基主义者在斯大林将他们赶出苏联后最终逃到了美国。 那些托洛茨基主义者最终在 50 年代更名为“新保守派”,并逐渐渗透到美国政坛。 这些托洛茨基主义者在民主党中有一个更自然的归宿,但也很乐意将自己渗透到共和党中。 “共和党”和“民主党”这两个标签对日本人来说毫无意义,因为对他们来说真正重要的唯一标签是“日本”。 也就是说,你要么是犹太人,要么是非犹太人,你猜怎么着——非犹太人并不重要。

但具有讽刺意味的是,在 2023 年,在犹太人最终成功完全控制了美国之后,我们现在开始看到犹太人并不是那么铁板一块,而犹太人民族主义者(犹太复国主义者)和犹太人国际主义者(托洛茨基主义者)之间的旧分歧 ) 暴露。 托洛茨基主义者(其全球领导人是乔治索罗斯)和犹太复国主义者(由内塔尼亚胡领导)之间的冲突在我们称为美国国会的购买和支付的犹太傀儡剧院中爆发。

帖子: 57293
注册时间: 7月 25, 2022, 7:10 pm

Re: 完了,白宫对以色列的罕见谴责激怒了共和党人

帖子 beijingren3楼主 »

“We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white Schvartzes upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of. The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny, not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a red tyranny not a white one. We mean the word ‘red’ literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars pale by comparison. The biggest bankers across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us. If we win the revolution, we shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolutions funeral, and we shall become a power before which the whole world will sink to its knees. We shall show what real power is. By means of terror and blood baths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence” Leon Trotsky

They are all Zionists in this administration and every administration since Woodrow Wilson. They have been the cause of both world wars and they are working on ww3.

"Twenty-five years later a leading Zionist in England, Lord Melchett, spoke in the same tone of secret knowledge to Zionists in New York: "If I had stood here in 1913 and said to you 'Come to a conference to discuss the reconstruction of a national home in Palestine', you would have looked upon me as an idle dreamer, even if I had told you in 1913 that the Austrian archduke would be killed and that out of all that followed would come the chance, the opportunity, the occasion for establishing a national home for the **** in Palestine. Has it ever occurred to you how remarkable it is that out of the welter of world blood there has arisen this opportunity? Do you really believe that we have been led back to Israel by nothing but a fluke?" (Jewish Chronicle, Nov. 9, 1928)." The Contovery of Zion

“我们必须把俄罗斯变成一片由白人 Schvartzes 居住的沙漠,我们将对他们施加暴政,这是东方最可怕的暴君做梦也想不到的。 唯一不同的是,这将是左翼暴政,而不是右翼暴政。 这将是一场红色暴政,而不是白人暴政。 我们从字面上理解“红色”这个词,因为我们将流下如此多的鲜血,这将使资本主义战争中遭受的所有人类损失相比之下显得苍白无力。 大洋彼岸最大的银行家将与我们保持最密切的联系。 如果我们赢得了革命,我们将在革命葬礼的废墟上建立起犹太复国主义的力量,我们将成为一种让全世界都屈服的力量。 我们将展示什么是真正的力量。 通过恐怖和血洗,我们将使俄罗斯知识分子陷入完全麻木和愚蠢的状态,并沦为动物般的存在。”列昂·托洛茨基

在本届政府以及自伍德罗·威尔逊以来的每一届政府中,他们都是犹太复国主义者。 他们是两次世界大战的起因,他们正在为第三次世界大战而努力。

“25 年后,英国的主要犹太复国主义者梅尔切特勋爵以同样深奥的口吻对纽约的犹太复国主义者讲话:“如果我在 1913 年站在这里对你们说‘来参加一个讨论重建的会议 如果我在 1913 年告诉你奥地利大公会被杀,接下来的一切都会带来机会,机会, 在巴勒斯坦建立国家家园的机会。 你有没有想过,从世界鲜血的漩涡中出现这个机会是多么了不起? 你真的相信我们只是侥幸被带回以色列吗?”(犹太编年史,1928 年 11 月 9 日)。 锡安的秘密
帖子: 2949
注册时间: 7月 22, 2022, 2:25 pm

Re: 完了,白宫对以色列的罕见谴责激怒了共和党人

帖子 wildthing »

America is nothing but an empty shell, a walking zombie, a mindless corpse pulled by the mind controlling ruling class.

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