#2 Re: 美国健康状况的丑陋现状
根源:和health care 相关的大利益集团反对改革,因为动了他们的奶酪
The 10 Largest Lobbyist Groups In The United States
3. Pharmaceutical Research Manufacturers of America
Total Spending: $25.95 million
4 American Hospital Association
Total Spending: $24.44 million
5 Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Total Spending: $23.62 million
7. American Medical Association
Total Spending: $19.27 million
AMA comes under fire for repeatedly is its attempts to stop health care reform. But their stance shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone; the group has been opposed to a national health insurance program since 1949.
Interestingly, it seems that medical students and some professionals are fed up with this approach and are beginning to fight back. The Medicare for All topic seems to be what’s prompting the divide between professionals in the medical field and the group that claims to represent them.
The 10 Largest Lobbyist Groups In The United States
3. Pharmaceutical Research Manufacturers of America
Total Spending: $25.95 million
4 American Hospital Association
Total Spending: $24.44 million
5 Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Total Spending: $23.62 million
7. American Medical Association
Total Spending: $19.27 million
AMA comes under fire for repeatedly is its attempts to stop health care reform. But their stance shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone; the group has been opposed to a national health insurance program since 1949.
Interestingly, it seems that medical students and some professionals are fed up with this approach and are beginning to fight back. The Medicare for All topic seems to be what’s prompting the divide between professionals in the medical field and the group that claims to represent them.