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#1 微软量子纠错编码取得突破进展

发表于 : 2024年 4月 4日 01:30

Microsoft and Quantinuum said they had made a breakthrough in that field. Microsoft applied an error-correction algorithm that it wrote to Quantinuum's physical qubits, yielding about four reliable qubits from 30 physical ones.

Jason Zander, Microsoft's executive vice president for strategic missions and technologies, said the company believes that is the best ratio of reliable qubits from a quantum chip that has ever been shown.

"We ran more than 14,000 individual experiments without a single error. That's up to 800 times better than anything on record," Zander told Reuters in an interview.

#2 Re: 微软量子纠错编码取得突破进展

发表于 : 2024年 4月 4日 17:29

#3 Re: 微软量子纠错编码取得突破进展

发表于 : 2024年 4月 4日 20:15
FoxMe 写了: 2024年 4月 4日 17:29 这种“突破”很多,但是量子计算还是遥遥无期,不知道泡沫何时破灭。

#4 Re: 微软量子纠错编码取得突破进展

发表于 : 2024年 4月 5日 15:18
FoxMe 写了: 2024年 4月 4日 17:29 这种“突破”很多,但是量子计算还是遥遥无期,不知道泡沫何时破灭。
我觉的是实打实的进步,引力波花了多少年才成功?low hanging food都做完了,下面都是硬骨头

#5 Re: 微软量子纠错编码取得突破进展

发表于 : 2024年 4月 7日 19:12
Caravel 写了: 2024年 4月 4日 01:30 30个物理比特组成4个逻辑比特,逻辑比特错误率比物理比特下降800倍

Microsoft and Quantinuum said they had made a breakthrough in that field. Microsoft applied an error-correction algorithm that it wrote to Quantinuum's physical qubits, yielding about four reliable qubits from 30 physical ones.

Jason Zander, Microsoft's executive vice president for strategic missions and technologies, said the company believes that is the best ratio of reliable qubits from a quantum chip that has ever been shown.

"We ran more than 14,000 individual experiments without a single error. That's up to 800 times better than anything on record," Zander told Reuters in an interview.
