AACR 第3天(April 7th)的主要看点 - San Diego, April 7th


版主: Tlexander

帖子: 3006
注册时间: 2022年 7月 22日 17:34

#1 AACR 第3天(April 7th)的主要看点 - San Diego, April 7th

帖子 Tlexander楼主 »

Session Title: PO.ET06.01 - Identification of Molecular Targets
Session Type: Poster Session
Track(s): Experimental and Molecular Therapeutics, Molecular/Cellular Biology and Genetics
Session Time: April 7, 2024, 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM

The session includes 30 poster presentations on topics related to the identification of molecular targets for cancer therapy, across a range of cancer types. Some key highlights include:

- Exploiting therapeutic bottlenecks to identify new immunotherapy targets
- Targeting PDZK1 and EGFR degradation in triple-negative breast cancer
- Identifying isoform switching events linked to prognosis in esophageal adenocarcinoma
- Investigating the antiproliferative effects of natural compounds in cancer cells
- Targeting non-canonical disulfide isomerases and PROX1 in cancer
- Using AI-powered analysis of CNTN4 and PD-L1 expression across cancers
- Determining the role of TRIM31 in esophageal adenocarcinoma
- Evaluating the Idylla IDH1-2 mutation assay for glioma
- Targeting CYR61, YBX1, MCL1, PDE4D, JAK/STAT, and PDE7 in various cancer types
- Sensitizing triple-negative breast cancer to radiation using fisetin
- Modulating HER4 isoforms in estrogen-stimulated breast cancer models
- Targeting UHRF1 degradation in small cell lung cancer
- Identifying PSMC6 as essential for cisplatin-resistant ovarian cancer
- Potential therapeutic targets in gastric cancer with peritoneal dissemination
- Targeting SLC22A17 and FABP4 in triple-negative breast cancer and liver cancer
- Identifying SORL1 as a regulator of chemoresistance in ovarian cancer
- Evaluating the pan-quadruplex drug QN-302 in pancreatic cancer
- Deciphering the menin-MLL complex dependency in hepatocellular carcinoma
上次由 Tlexander 在 2024年 4月 6日 16:15,总共编辑 2 次。
原因: 未提供修改原因
帖子: 3006
注册时间: 2022年 7月 22日 17:34

#2 Re: AACR 第三天的主要看点 - San Diego, April 7th

帖子 Tlexander楼主 »

Session Title: LBPO.BCS01 - Late-Breaking Research: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Systems Biology, and Convergent Science 1
Session Type: Late-Breaking Poster Session
Track(s): Bioinformatics / Computational Biology / Systems Biology / Convergent Science
Session Time: April 7, 2024, 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM

The 16 late-breaking poster presentations cover a range of computational and systems biology approaches to cancer research, including:

- Identifying mechanisms of melanoma resistance to immune checkpoint blockade via deactivation of ligand-receptor interactions
- Comprehensive multi-omics analysis revealing NFE2L2/KEAP1 mutations as drivers of treatment resistance in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
- Proteomic approaches to quantify stemness and identify druggable targets in oncogenic dedifferentiation
- Transomics-based identification of novel targets for MYC-driven hepatocellular carcinoma
- Cell marker-based classification of TNBC subtypes and patient outcomes
- Evaluating the therapeutic potential of endogenous ADAR base editors in cancer
- Integrative multi-omics analysis of PRMT5 inhibitor effects on cell cycle and DNA damage response
- Insights into the significance of DARPP-32 and partners in breast cancer from patient data and cell line transcriptomics
- Identifying malignant lung nodules using plasma whole-genome sequencing
- Analyzing chromatin interactions and co-regulated gene networks for transcriptional regulation in prostate cancer
- Computational approaches for cross-cohort protein expression comparison in CPTAC pan-cancer data
- Characterizing the role of exosomal miRNAs in cancer metastasis
- Insights into metastatic development from a large-scale genomic database
- Differential expression of deubiquitinating enzymes and DNA damage response genes in neuroblastoma heterogeneity
- Spatial transcriptomics platform for pathological diagnosis and research of colorectal cancer

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