

版主: kazaawangwh

wh 的博客
帖子: 31722
注册时间: 2022年 7月 28日 00:07
昵称(选填): 问号

#1 要不要签个名,呼吁政府恢复美西五所大学的中文旗舰项目

帖子 wh楼主 »


In mid-March, the University of Oregon Chinese Flagship Program, along with four other Chinese Flagship programs (University of Washington, University of Hawaii at Manoa, San Francisco State University, and Brigham Young University) received notification from the National Security Education Program (NSEP)/ Institute of International Education (IIE) regarding the discontinuation of funding for the 2024-2028 grant cycle. This decision has not only affected the support of the remaining students in the current programs but left no Chinese Flagship Program available on the West Coast for future college learners.

As the University of Oregon Chinese Flagship students, we are deeply saddened, disappointed, and confused by this decision. We are also extremely concerned by the disparity and inequality in education this decision has exposed to the Chinese language learners on the West Coast. This doesn’t seem a well-judged decision considering the West Coast’s proximity to Asia, the significant presence of K-12 Chinese immersion programs, and the strong Chinese & Asian culture influence.

Therefore, we are calling for a change of this decision by NSEP/IIE. If you, or someone you know, will be impacted by this program cut decision, please join this urgent petition with us. We want to hear your voice! Given the current grant will end on 5/31/2024, we are hoping to gather your support as soon as possible! Please help us spread the word!
wh 的博客
帖子: 31722
注册时间: 2022年 7月 28日 00:07
昵称(选填): 问号

#2 Re: 要不要签个名,呼吁政府恢复美西五所大学的中文旗舰项目

帖子 wh楼主 »


Samuel Whitehead
4 days ago
I don't agree with what china's doing with it's neighbors and it's own people, but I by no means think there is anything wrong with the Chinese people. There is the same amount of bad and good people no matter in which country or people.

Loid F
3 weeks ago
The explanations given for the cancellation of these programs clearly emphasizes a bias, prejudice, and the politicization of those on the board who decide this year to de-fund these programs. Uninformed individuals with no Chinese Flagship background, and individuals who have not taught Chinese should never participate in these kinds of decisions.

What an intellectually dishonest resolution. Board--do the research and accept your mistake. Reinstate these amazing programs and let those who are passionate and open-minded pursue their dreams and lead this country to a brighter future.

Ayn Lavagnino
3 weeks ago
Communication and understanding are fundamental to making a better world.

Michelle Close
3 weeks ago
This program has been instrumental in supporting students who want to build bridges across cultural divides.

Kylie Post
3 weeks ago
The news struck us when our program’s enrollment, Capstone admission results and student engagement had reached an all-time high in 20-year program history at the University of Oregon. It’s confusing and baffling. As the coordinator of the program, I have been thinking of its impact on all our current students, incoming students and families, K-12 Chinese learners and educators, our faculty and staff, and the whole community behind upholding our program; How disruptive and how demoralizing this is to them! Why? We are all so confused by this decision. Rome wasn’t built in a day. It has taken years to build a prestigious educational program like this. To the policy makers in D.C., please take all the students and parents’ voices into consideration; please take geographic equity and global competitiveness of our future generations into consideration. Please reconsider and make a change.

Fiona Moore
3 weeks ago
I am a university professor in the UK with a specialty in Taiwanese studies and I am sad at the thought that people will not get to learn the beautiful Chinese language and culture.

Becki Doden
3 weeks ago
My daughter attends one of these Flagship schools that was discontinued. In her words, her "whole career path was obliterated.". There were only 12 Chinese Flagship schools in the country. Choosing a chollege is very stressful and in addition to choosing a college, we also had to consider the Flagship component. My daughter chose UofO. Now we are researching her transferring to another university halfway thru bachelor's degree so she can complete the Flagship components. It's one thing to discontinue future students from joining Flagship but the students that are already in it, should be able to finish their goals to completion!

Isabel Medina
3 weeks ago
I could have graduated this spring for my Environmental Studies major, but decided that studying Chinese and attending Capstone is something I care about so decided to stay another year and finish. Hearing this news is disappointing, I made so many decisions to prioritize this program just for it to be taken away so suddenly

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