
生物学,医学,药学,生化和生理功能, 解剖和组织结构, 流行病学和药理学, 细胞和分子生物学、寄生虫学和毒理学

版主: Tlexander

帖子互动: 393
帖子: 8424
注册时间: 2022年 12月 31日 16:11

#1 amyloid,tau蛋白看来确实会引起老年痴呆

帖子 Mountainlion楼主 »

When one member of a large Colombian family, plagued by Alzheimer’s disease for generations, evaded the disease (staying cognitively healthy into her 70s) despite inheriting the genetic mutation that caused her relatives to develop dementia in their 40s, researchers sought to understand why.

The Colombian patient carried the presenilin-1 mutation. Generally, people with a presenilin-1 mutation (PSEN1-E280A) develop amyloid buildup beginning in their 20s, accumulate amyloid quickly, and typically start showing signs of cognitive decline in middle age. However, the patient was also a homozygous carrier of the APOE3 Christchurch (APOE3ch) mutation which is thought to provide resistance to Alzheimer’s disease.

“One of the biggest unanswered questions in the Alzheimer’s field is why amyloid accumulation leads to tau pathology,” said David Holtzman, MD, professor of neurology at Washington University School of Medicine. “This woman was very, very unusual in that she had amyloid pathology but not much tau pathology and only very mild cognitive symptoms that came on late. This suggested to us that she might hold clues to this link between amyloid and tau.”

In a new study, researchers used genetically modified mice to show that the Christchurch mutation severs the link between the early phase of Alzheimer’s disease, amyloid beta builds up in the brain, and the late phase, when tau accumulates and cognitive decline sets in.

This work is published in Cell in the paper, “APOE3ch alters microglial response and suppresses Aβ-induced tau seeding and spread.” ... 3Dtrue#%20
wdds 的博客
帖子互动: 134
帖子: 3296
注册时间: 2023年 5月 5日 20:38
昵称(选填): 灶前笑问粥可温

#2 Re: amyloid,tau蛋白看来确实会引起老年痴呆

帖子 wdds »

帖子互动: 96
帖子: 2755
注册时间: 2022年 7月 22日 21:59

#3 Re: amyloid,tau蛋白看来确实会引起老年痴呆

帖子 changjiang »

Mountainlion 写了: 2023年 12月 13日 11:52 When one member of a large Colombian family, plagued by Alzheimer’s disease for generations, evaded the disease (staying cognitively healthy into her 70s) despite inheriting the genetic mutation that caused her relatives to develop dementia in their 40s, researchers sought to understand why.

The Colombian patient carried the presenilin-1 mutation. Generally, people with a presenilin-1 mutation (PSEN1-E280A) develop amyloid buildup beginning in their 20s, accumulate amyloid quickly, and typically start showing signs of cognitive decline in middle age. However, the patient was also a homozygous carrier of the APOE3 Christchurch (APOE3ch) mutation which is thought to provide resistance to Alzheimer’s disease.

“One of the biggest unanswered questions in the Alzheimer’s field is why amyloid accumulation leads to tau pathology,” said David Holtzman, MD, professor of neurology at Washington University School of Medicine. “This woman was very, very unusual in that she had amyloid pathology but not much tau pathology and only very mild cognitive symptoms that came on late. This suggested to us that she might hold clues to this link between amyloid and tau.”

In a new study, researchers used genetically modified mice to show that the Christchurch mutation severs the link between the early phase of Alzheimer’s disease, amyloid beta builds up in the brain, and the late phase, when tau accumulates and cognitive decline sets in.

This work is published in Cell in the paper, “APOE3ch alters microglial response and suppresses Aβ-induced tau seeding and spread.” ... 3Dtrue#%20
Cool. Looks like highly important finding for the field.

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