wmysh 写了: 2024年 12月 11日 22:14 https://www.topspeed.com/how-much-a-1-y ... rth-today/
版主: lexian
#42 Re: 买车的经济帐
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Zephyrca 的博客 - 帖子互动: 901
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#45 Re: 买车的经济帐
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Zephyrca 的博客 - 帖子互动: 901
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#46 Re: 买车的经济帐
#50 Re: 买车的经济帐
我去年买的电车,OTD 28K,空间略大于HRV,小于CRV之间,马力大于CRV,重量大于CRV,加速好于CRV,价格低于同等配置的CRV,皮椅通风座椅acc什么的都有。就算头一年可能贬值快,长期成本肯定低于CRV。那个车空间只是略小于model y,续航跟model y standard差不多,动力略差(200hp vs 260hp)
我去年买的电车,OTD 28K,空间略大于HRV,小于CRV之间,马力大于CRV,重量大于CRV,加速好于CRV,价格低于同等配置的CRV,皮椅通风座椅acc什么的都有。就算头一年可能贬值快,长期成本肯定低于CRV。那个车空间只是略小于model y,续航跟model y standard差不多,动力略差(200hp vs 260hp)
#51 Re: 买车的经济帐
保险我每年就$1200左右,5年$6200. 油费是0(除了长途旅行时超充的花费),保养5年下来就是$900(换四个轮胎)+$200(空滤)=$1100, finance 我当时拿的0.9 APR,利息5年下来也就$2500左右。repair $60. 这些加起来差不多$1万. 用edmund提供的贬值和tax来算,我的tco是$54k,比同级的bba的tco要低多了。
保险我每年就$1200左右,5年$6200. 油费是0(除了长途旅行时超充的花费),保养5年下来就是$900(换四个轮胎)+$200(空滤)=$1100, finance 我当时拿的0.9 APR,利息5年下来也就$2500左右。repair $60. 这些加起来差不多$1万. 用edmund提供的贬值和tax来算,我的tco是$54k,比同级的bba的tco要低多了。
#52 Re: 买车的经济帐
这个是名白人啊 我每次是拿人家数据加上自己情况来算的 有些数据还是有参考价值的ignius 写了: 2024年 12月 12日 10:00 这个因人而异。里面列的很多cost对我来说都没那么高。
保险我每年就$1200左右,5年$6200. 油费是0(除了长途旅行时超充的花费),保养5年下来就是$900(换四个轮胎)+$200(空滤)=$1100, finance 我当时拿的0.9 APR,利息5年下来也就$2500左右。repair $60. 这些加起来差不多$1万. 用edmund提供的贬值和tax来算,我的tco是$54k,比同级的bba的tco要低多了。
知道很多人的居住环境以后 我终于明白为啥会有这些想法了
#53 Re: 买车的经济帐
你引用不准确,我的车,八万迈,要换clutch kit.
在德州,labor $700. Parts, $120. Total $850.
不过哥准备自己干,已买 harbor freight, engine hoist, $219.
#54 Re: 买车的经济帐
三年后车辆价值有可能归零,甚至是负数。没有地方加氢,处理还要给废车场交钱,人家也卖不出零件去。leuning 写了: 2024年 12月 11日 20:57 买车像买股票,在低谷时比较便宜。比好covid刚开始时,07/08年。
有时候租车也便宜,现在非Tesla 电车,有每月一百多刀的lease.
如果谁想买持有成本低的车,可能Toyota Mirai CPO 最划算: 1.5万一辆,送1.4万氢气。三年保修。
也就是: 成本1千刀开三年。
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Zephyrca 的博客 - 帖子互动: 901
- 帖子: 9390
- 注册时间: 2022年 8月 12日 22:10
#57 Re: 买车的经济帐
#58 Re: 买车的经济帐
看看这些数据:wmysh 写了: 2024年 12月 11日 22:14 https://www.topspeed.com/how-much-a-1-y ... rth-today/
According to Edmunds' True Cost To Own calculator, you can expect the Model 3 to lose $32,896 over five years of ownership. $22,472 of this loss occurs within the first year.
The Edmunds true cost calculator reveals that the Model Y will lose $22,840 of its value after a year of ownership and a total of $40,356 after five years of regular usage has elapsed.
Edmunds highlights that the Model S is likely to lose $30,644 of its value within one year of ownership with regular usage and a collective $57,409 once five years concludes, which is an incredibly poor but expected depreciation rate.
You can expect the Model X to lose $34,514 of its value after owning one for a year with regular use and care. Beyond this, Edmunds suggests that it will go on to lose $66,526 of its value after five years, making it the fastest-depreciating Tesla on this list.
#59 Re: 买车的经济帐
5年之后tesla都solve fsd了,怎么会一文不值?
5年之后tesla都solve fsd了,怎么会一文不值?
zyyj2021 写了: 2024年 12月 12日 12:35 看看这些数据:
According to Edmunds' True Cost To Own calculator, you can expect the Model 3 to lose $32,896 over five years of ownership. $22,472 of this loss occurs within the first year.
The Edmunds true cost calculator reveals that the Model Y will lose $22,840 of its value after a year of ownership and a total of $40,356 after five years of regular usage has elapsed.
Edmunds highlights that the Model S is likely to lose $30,644 of its value within one year of ownership with regular usage and a collective $57,409 once five years concludes, which is an incredibly poor but expected depreciation rate.
You can expect the Model X to lose $34,514 of its value after owning one for a year with regular use and care. Beyond this, Edmunds suggests that it will go on to lose $66,526 of its value after five years, making it the fastest-depreciating Tesla on this list.
#60 Re: 买车的经济帐
这么夸张的数字可能是疫情期间高msrp的影响?今年的价格相对正常了,作为基准计算未来的贬值,两三年后的分析可能靠谱一点。zyyj2021 写了: 2024年 12月 12日 12:35 看看这些数据:
According to Edmunds' True Cost To Own calculator, you can expect the Model 3 to lose $32,896 over five years of ownership. $22,472 of this loss occurs within the first year.
The Edmunds true cost calculator reveals that the Model Y will lose $22,840 of its value after a year of ownership and a total of $40,356 after five years of regular usage has elapsed.
Edmunds highlights that the Model S is likely to lose $30,644 of its value within one year of ownership with regular usage and a collective $57,409 once five years concludes, which is an incredibly poor but expected depreciation rate.
You can expect the Model X to lose $34,514 of its value after owning one for a year with regular use and care. Beyond this, Edmunds suggests that it will go on to lose $66,526 of its value after five years, making it the fastest-depreciating Tesla on this list.